Motor Truss
Louver Array
Louver Assembly
Motor Truss
Motor Truss
Louver Cover
Louver Power and Control
Louver Power and Control
Power Train | Dynamic Analysis
Hazard Analysis | Failure Modes and Effects
Finite Element Analysis
Project Analysis | Critical Path
Project Analysis | Proposed Budget
Motor Truss
Motor Truss


Kinetic Digital Video Louver Array | Animated Rendering
Louver Array
Louver Array


Louver Assembly | Assembly Animation
Louver Assembly
Louver Assembly


Motor Truss
Motor Truss


Motor Truss
Motor Truss


Louver Cover
Louver Cover


Louver Power and Control
Louver Power and Control


Louver Power and Control
Louver Power and Control

wiring detail

Power Train | Assembly Animation
Power Train | Dynamic Analysis
Power Train | Dynamic Analysis

typical cue motion profile and resulting torque requirement

Hazard Analysis | Failure Modes and Effects
Hazard Analysis | Failure Modes and Effects
Finite Element Analysis
Finite Element Analysis

based on load bearing and worst-case torque requirements - working towards a Safety Factor of 10

Project Analysis | Critical Path
Project Analysis | Critical Path
Project Analysis | Proposed Budget
Project Analysis | Proposed Budget
2015 MFA Thesis Presentation | Video

thesis powerpoint presentation [9 min.]